New Baton Rouge Mayor Sid Edwards and interim St. George Mayor Dustin Yates must still negotiate a deal on what services the city-parish government will provide to the new city and a settlement to the much-debated tax revenue allocation.
However, a new internal controversy erupted over the proposed salaries for the mayor and city council of St. George. A packed room saw emotions run hot and accusations fly when salaries of $175,000 for the mayor and $44,000 for council members were proposed.
Rolfe McCollister Jr. is a contributing columnist. He is also a member of Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor-President Sid Edwards’ transition team. The viewpoints expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Business Report or its staff.
In the end, while there were slight reductions (to $160,000 and $36,000, respectively) for this city of 86,000, frustrations linger. However, I see other issues yet to be discussed that could threaten the passage of the city charter—not to mention the election of the council and mayor.
I am told St. George plans to follow Central’s model and privatize the city using a firm like IBTS. An RFP would be issued, and firms would be interviewed.
Central has partnered with IBTS for about 10 years. The firm’s website says it is “a nonprofit entity that provides municipal services through public-nonprofit partnerships. IBTS collaborates with municipalities to provide local government services, allowing localities to use their resources more efficiently, improve services to citizens, and decrease costs.”
Mayor Wade Evans says he’s “very satisfied” with the IBTS. Because of the arrangement, Central’s local government has but five employees, including the mayor.
The head of IBTS runs the operation locally and effectively acts as “city manager.” The Central mayor makes around $88,000, but there is no official city manager position or salary allocation.
Frisco, Texas—the fastest-growing city in America with a population of 230,000—has used a professional city manager for 35 years. This person runs the show and earns $375,000. The Frisco mayor makes $800 a month and is up for a raise to $1,500. The council members get $700 monthly, which may increase to $1,200.
RELATED | Ryan Heck: The truth about St. George’s charter and the real agenda behind the attacks
Now compare that to what St. George is doing.
The St. George leadership seems confused. Is it going with the privatized model like Central, or a city manager model? It sounds as if it’s trying to do both, which will result in too many chefs in the kitchen.
Paying six-figure salaries for a mayor and a city manager, and then hiring a firm with a well-paid project manager to run the city operations? That is THREE BIG SALARIES for a city aiming to be efficient. What other cities run this way? Aside from the salaries, what are each person’s responsibilities? Who is in charge?
I can see why many folks were upset with current city leaders—and they still have questions to answer for residents. Qualifying begins Jan. 29 and election day is March 29. The governance model and the salaries undoubtedly will be significant campaign issues. Approval of the city charter is on the ballot as well.
The St. George sales pitch was a new city going in a new direction. Are those seeking leadership are public servants who get it—or just more politicians? As the Home Rule Charter currently is written, I would vote “NO.”
BREC ‘medal’ tarnished
Central Mayor Wade Evans isn’t impressed with BREC’s alleged “gold medal service” and is considering asking for legislation allowing the city to break away from the parishwide parks system and go it alone. “I haven’t been happy for some time,” Evans told Daily Report last week. “I believe that we can manage and deliver better services at a local level more efficiently and cost-effectively.”
I have declared BREC is “fool’s gold” and believe the entire system of more than 180 parks could be run better and didn’t deserve the recent renewal of more than $700 million in taxes. I am glad to see Mike Polito and Lon Vicknair join the BREC Commission and provide serious scrutiny of the staff, budget and operations, and needed changes.
CATS is in trouble
I saw that 92% of union members voted to strike our bus system. On TV, they chanted, “Who moves our city? We move our city.” According to CATS, ridership is now only half what it was prepandemic. So, they are moving a lot less of our city, but they want more money. As I have said before, our city should look at privatizing CATS.
Follow the law
The photo of campaign signs for two candidates for state Senate—Carolyn Hill and Larry Selders—are illegally placed in the public right of way on Nicholson Drive at Bluebonnet Boulevard. This begs the question: Why should we elect either of them to make laws when they can’t follow the law?
City Park snow
I am sure you saw photos of children and families enjoying the snow on the wide-open hills of City Park in The Advocate or on social media. Some were skiing, some were snowboarding, and some were simply rolling in the white, fluffy stuff. It was a beautiful sight and the best use of the park on these special days. It also demonstrated how the rolling hills could be enjoyed as green spaces in a signature park in the heart of our city on the lakes. Envision the future.
Law enforcement must be accountable
We must support our officers who put their lives on the line daily. However, they must be held accountable when they fail to protect or violate the law. Two recent incidents are disturbing. One happened on New Year’s morning on Bourbon Street. Tragically, 14 innocent people were killed and many injured. It seems clear the plan by the New Orleans Police Department to protect was not executed and mistakes were made. Heads need to roll.
I was also shocked to read the U.S. Department of Justice would bring no charges against Louisiana State Police in the death of Ronald Greene. It defies logic that neither District Attorney John Belton nor Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill brought charges, given the video of troopers beating Greene and the officers lying to investigators, claiming Greene died in an “auto accident.”
After this shocking news, the DOJ issued a report on “a pattern of excessive force.” This investigation was conducted mainly under the administration of former Gov. John Bel Edwards, though Gov. Jeff Landry claimed the report was “political” and defended the State Police.
Our law enforcement officers need support and funding to protect, but they must also have accountability to the public and our elected officials. When they fail and people die, justice must be served for all.
The alarm sounds again
We have read it before. This time, the bad news comes from’s “The Top 5 States Americans Fled in Droves in 2024,” which states, “The states with the highest number of outbound moves this year were Louisiana, California, Illinois, South Dakota and New York, according to Atlas Van Lines.”
What’s fueling the mass exodus in Louisiana? The survey declares the No. 1 reason for residents leaving was lack of jobs and job opportunities, according to the Shreveport Times. We also have been losing too many college graduates.
Since Gov. Bobby Jindal left office in January 2016, Louisiana has experienced nine consecutive years of outmigration after eight years of gains. This is a disastrous trend for our state that must be stopped.