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Every organization strives for a positive company culture where employees enjoy coming to work each day. Companies that sponsor volunteer activities offer a better overall working environment than those that do not. Creating a culture of volunteerism has been proven to boost morale, create a positive workplace atmosphere and improve a company’s overall brand perception. This energy translates into positive employee engagement, higher productivity, and company loyalty.
Some local companies have incorporated volunteerism into their culture and Business First Bank is at the forefront. b1BANK recently launched a bank wide initiative called b1COMMUNITY to support and encourage its employees to get involved in the community and give back. Employees’ lives are busy. Between work and family, there isn’t always much time left for volunteering. President and CEO, Jude Melville made the time for his employees and even paid them for it. Melville says, “Volunteering together is a great way to build relationships not only with the community but amongst our employees as well.”
Each time b1BANK employees volunteer, it strengthens the company’s culture and builds a team of giving for tomorrow. This simple, yet powerful act of human kindness has an impact on individuals and their families.
“There’s no greater expression of our priorities than the time we choose to spend, and I can’t think of a better way to show our appreciation for our employees than by offering them a chance to spend time on something they care about.”
—Jude Melville
President and CEO, b1BANK
Whether it involves a handful of employees or the entire company, volunteerism reminds us of the power of giving and the mission behind an organization. Company business goals remain the same, but it is this balance of the company and human goals that creates a powerful and collaborative culture. Build a strong culture and encourage employee participation for the good of all. Click here to learn more about b1BANK and the positive ways they enhance local businesses and the community at large.