Is that a light at the end of the tunnel?
2022 is here, but Baton Rouge remains in recovery mode from the challenges of the past two years—a pandemic, natural disasters, economic hardship, political strife, and mass job resignations. Slowly, but surely, the tide seems to be turning.
For the past four years, Business Report has invited influential thought leade s to a unique roundtable for discussion about some of the most critical issues facing our community in the coming year. Topics include quality of life, diversity, education, cybersecurity, workforce issues and more. Despite progress in the fight against COVID-19, the pandemic continues to shape our work habits and lifestyles.
Panelists this year were Drew Patty, Baton Rouge Office Managing Member of McGlinchey Stafford PLLC; Craig Stevens, Owner/Founder of Genesis 360; James DuBos, CEO of Transformyx; Kathy Trahan, president and CEO of the Alliance Safety Council; and Chuck Daigle, CEO of Ochsner Baton Rouge and Lake Charles.
In this remarkable discussion, leaders talk about the challenges of the past year and their hopes for the new one.
Comments made during the roundtable have been edited and condensed for clarity and for space. Read and share the online version by clicking the viewer below.