Small business owners are closely watching this year’s presidential election

    While most business owners say they plan to vote in November’s presidential election, roughly a fifth say they are still undecided on who they will vote for. 

    That’s according to new survey data from Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Small Businesses Voices, which was released this week for National Small Business Week. 

    The survey, conducted last month, shows that 20% of small business owners say they’re undecided on who they will support for president, compared to the 12% of the general public declaring themselves undecided. 

    Business owners also say that presidential candidates are not talking enough about small business issues, with 55% reporting dissatisfaction with how candidates have been handling such matters. Some 27% of respondents said they were satisfied with the presidential campaigns. 

    Inflationary pressures, small business tax policy and regulatory burdens of small business are among the top issues small business owners reported are not being sufficiently addressed by candidates, with each issue garnering 70% or more support from respondents. Access to affordable capital and workforce training were also top cited issues. 

    Read the full survey.