The threat is real: How to protect your business against cyberthreats and prevent costly breaches

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Businesses big and small face digital threats every day. The average cybersecurity attack on a small business costs the victim, on average, $117,000. Small businesses must take proactive steps to secure their assets: identify the threats, set risk-tolerance levels, and implement technology solutions.

Fulfilling many of these security objectives requires specialized security solutions. Companies that find themselves under-resourced in terms of time and budget benefit from taking a technology partner. A variety of technologies must be employed in a carefully architected network in order to protect a business adequately.

In a rapidly changing field like cybersecurity, businesses must constantly update their knowledge and manage technological updates. These demands challenge smaller IT departments. Visit to learn how to right-size the firewall services you need to protect your business.

When an Arkansas company was attacked by ransomware in 2017 but refused to pay up, assailants encrypted 90,000 files
in less than 2 minutes.

A four-star Austrian hotel was hit by a ransomware attack in which the hackers took control of the door lock system and locked out guests until the ransom was paid. When WannaCry plunged the National Health Service of England into chaos in 2017, doctors were forced to simply tell patients, “Our hospital is down.”

Next steps—How EATEL Business can help
protect your business from online threats

RISK ASSESSMENT — First, EATEL Business will locate security weak points and vulnerabilities in your business before you are targeted.

EASY CONFIGURATIONS — EATEL Business will make the necessary changes, so there is no need for you to learn a new syntax or interface.

FIRMWARE UPGRADES — Your firewall will always be up-to-date, with no need for you to read patch notes for each new release.

HARDWARE MONITORING — Round-the-clock status monitoring of switches, firewalls and access points along with other hardware.

CENTRALIZED, AUTOMATED REPORTING — Owners get customized, actionable reports with statistics.

MANAGED EVOLUTION — As your business and cyberthreats evolve, EATEL Business will recommend new customized solutions to keep your system safe.