Knowing the strengths, and weaknesses, of gen AI is a must for business leaders

    Generative AI tools like ChatGPT,, and are generating excitement in the business world for their potential to revolutionize decision-making, according to the Harvard Business Review.

    Business leaders are keen on using gen AI for strategic planning, hoping it will reveal new opportunities and enhance forecasting.

    However, while gen AI can provide valuable insights, it has some limitations. AI excels in generating diverse ideas, but forecasting future demand is challenging because it relies on historical data rather than predictive analytics.

    Knowing gen AI’s weaknesses allows you to take advantage of its strengths. It can enhance your ability to identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and develop robust strategies by dropping in some outside-the-box suggestions that may not have come immediately to mind. 

    It is key to view gen AI as a tool that strengthens, not replaces, strategic thinking and decision-making.

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