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Thursday, Mar. 17, 2016
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Business Report
Louisiana lawmakers could have done more to address budget shortfall in special session, legislators say
BRAF’s assets increase in 2015 to $574M
Capitol Views: Higher ed, health care and contracts targeted for budget cuts
Holden targeting 2nd Congressional District for possible run this fall
More headlines below
Storyville leaves Mall of Louisiana
Solid Ground Innovations CEO Wilson envisions Washington D.C. office
US cancels Baton Rouge firm’s oil and gas lease on sacred Montana land
News roundup: Sponsors and supporters officially kick off Lemonade Day Louisiana … Louisiana’s top officials agree to refinance $82M in debt to raise quick cash … Some Louisiana residents receive $2.5M in advance payments for flood insurance claims, FEMA says
Melara Enterprises, 9029 Jefferson Highway, Suite 300, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US
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Holly Duchmann
or call (225) 928-1700.
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