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Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016
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Business Report
Case between Swaggart, would-be hospital developers goes to the jury
Delgado wants list of incentives available to attract hospital to north Baton Rouge
LSU opens nominations for 2016 LSU 100
Secrest aims to expand Spotter’s footprint with franchising in new markets
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Share of uninsured Louisianans has fallen six percentage points to 15.7% since passage of Affordable Care Act, report says
Judge rules out mentions of deaths at BP supervisor's trial
News roundup: El Tio Taqueria seeks rezoning to serve alcohol … Stored commercial oil sets US record with 500M barrels … Denham Springs attorney Fayard announces US Senate bid
Melara Enterprises, 9029 Jefferson Highway, Suite 300, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US
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Holly Duchmann
or call (225) 928-1700.
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