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Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2023
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Business Report
What we know about the mayor’s plan to upgrade Baton Rouge roads
Ruth’s Chris owners buy former furniture store next door for $2.6M
Aldi to buy 400 Winn-Dixie, Harveys supermarkets in the South
Louisiana’s gas tax rate is second lowest among states
More headlines below
Urban Daiquiris expands with a location in Prairieville
Is the Federal Reserve planning more rate hikes?
Roundup: LaLege app / LHC groundbreaking / Homebuilder sentiment
Health Tip of the Week, sponsored by Baton Rouge General: Thick neck, big problems
Melara Enterprises, 9029 Jefferson Highway, Suite 300, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US
If you have any problems or suggestions, please e-mail
Holly Duchmann
or call (225) 928-1700.
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