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Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014
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Business Report
LSU Alumni Association gets new board members, OK’s new term limits and oversight measures
BR advertising firm outgrows office, buys larger building on Wrenwood
'225 Weekender': Downtown BR set to shine Friday night during Festival of Lights
‘Business Report’: Until oil prices pick up, Tuscaloosa Marine Shale drilling may take a break
More headlines below
What kind of senator would Cassidy be?
Time running out to make your nominations for 2015 Business Awards and Hall of Fame
News roundup: La. home to nation’s most affordable child care on average, report finds … Jindal and Cruz exchange small talk on Cassidy-Landrieu runoff in D.C. … Data confirms excessive emails, meetings are killing your company’s productivity
Melara Enterprises, 9029 Jefferson Highway, Suite 300, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US
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Holly Duchmann
or call (225) 928-1700.
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