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Health Tip of the Week, sponsored by Baton Rouge General: MIS-C—what parents need to know

With this fourth wave of COVID-19, we are seeing reports of developing a serious COVID-related inflammatory condition called MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome). MIS-C is a rare but severe condition that can be present at the time of an initial COVID-19 diagnosis or can develop weeks after. MIS-C causes severe inflammation in the vital organs and tissues, including the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, eyes, skin, or gastrointestinal organs. If your child develops a fever and symptoms like abdominal pain, rash, headache, vomiting, or neck pain, call your child’s doctor. There are other signs and symptoms to look out for, but the good news is that this condition can be treated if caught early.

Learn more about MIS-C

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