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Thursday, Jun. 18, 2015
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Business Report
Kermit Ruffins’ brother opening live music club in downtown Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge metro area employment rose 2.9% in last quarter of 2014
Rural Louisiana parishes competing for USDA funding to improve economic development efforts
Millions in increased fees, penalties levied by Louisiana lawmakers
More headlines below
Netchex to invest $5.3 on new Mandeville headquarters
MERS executive director Bob Rust resigns amid accusations of inappropriate spending
Manager of LSU hospital at odds with university's doctors
News roundup: Jambalaya Shoppe to open eighth Baton Rouge location … Shades Sunglasses and Casual Apparel set to open in Perkins Rowe … Jindal awarded honorary associate degree from LCTCS
Melara Enterprises, 9029 Jefferson Highway, Suite 300, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US
If you have any problems or suggestions, please e-mail
Holly Duchmann
or call (225) 928-1700.
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